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Welcome From Traveltainer World


Message from the 
Board of Advisors Office Co-Chairman Leonardo Da Vinci

Afoot and Afield with Traveltainer World:
Unravel the Mysteries of Nevada!


Benevolent souls seeking to unlock the secrets of skill and invention,

From the fertile fields of my own insatiable curiosity,

I, Leonardo da Vinci, polymath and perennial explorer of the boundless realms of human ingenuity, do extend to you a most cordial welcome. You stand on the cusp of a venture unlike any other, a confluence of minds where creativity shall find fertile ground and ambition will take flight. Within these very walls, a grand tapestry of talents awaits your touch.


Renowned statesman and sage, Benjamin Franklin, graces our ranks as both concierge and confidante, ensuring your every need is met with wit and wisdom. Picture, if you will, a Socrates at your doorstep, ready to navigate the labyrinthine complexities of a world ever in flux.

But fear not, dear friends, for within this sanctum, assistance transcends mere mortal limitations. Our virtual assistants, imbued with the very spirit of innovation, stand poised to answer your queries, schedule your appointments, and orchestrate your days with clockwork precision. Imagine: a tireless Michelangelo at your beck and call, sculpting your calendar into a masterpiece of efficiency.

Yet, our ambitions extend far beyond the mundane. Within this haven for the keen and curious, we offer prospective tour guides and budding sales recruits the chance to hone their skills under the tutelage of masters. Think of yourselves as apprentice Da Vincis, your minds apprenticed to the gears and springs of commerce and connection, guided by the steady hand of Franklinian charm.

And let it be known, this is no workshop of dry pronouncements and dusty tomes. Nay, we revel in the spoils of a life well-lived! Exquisite culinary delights, stimulating discourse, and moments of pure, unadulterated joy await those who dare to cross our threshold.


Imagine, a banquet worthy of Lorenzo de' Medici himself, seasoned with the wit of a Parisian salon and the laughter of a Tuscan festival.

But before you embark on this grand adventure, be warned: a mere tickle of curiosity will not suffice. Nay, you must pledge your allegiance to the noble pursuit of progress and innovation by reading and accepting our Terms of Service. Think of it as a handshake with the future, a pact with the potential that lies untapped within your very selves.


So, my friends, if the embers of ambition flickers within your hearts, and the siren song of possibility whispers in your ears, then step boldly into this haven of ingenuity. Here, with Ben as your guide and me as your muse, we shall journey beyond the confines of the ordinary, forging a future as bold and brilliant as the brushstrokes on a canvas, as intricate as the gears of a flying machine.


Welcome, fellow explorers, to the workshop where dreams take flight.

With utmost anticipation,


Leonardo da Vinci,

President, Co-Chairman and Principal

Traveltainer World
Las Vegas Nevada

P.S. A word of advice from an old inventor: pack your thirst for knowledge, a healthy dose of imagination, and perhaps a spare notebook - for within these walls, inspiration tends to strike with the suddenness of a Tuscan thunderstorm.


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